First Breath

The “First Breath” event, organized by Dr. Satish Deopujari, is dedicated to addressing the critical moment of a newborn’s first breath, one of the most significant events in life. Approximately 6 percent of babies require assistance to initiate breathing at birth. Ideally, this assistance should be provided with compressed air; however, in our country, oxygen is used in 94-95% of such situations, which is not optimal.

India’s neonatal mortality rate (NMR) remains alarmingly high, prompting a focused effort to tackle this issue. To this end, the “First Breath” event was held at Ujjain Medical College and later in Nagpur, in collaboration with Nelson Hospital. During these events, indigenously developed devices by INDIVITAL Nagpur were inaugurated. These prototypes received nationwide appreciation and represent a significant step forward in improving neonatal care. Technical support from IIT Bombay was also highly appreciated.

The events saw the presence of several distinguished guests. Honorable Dr. Abhijeet Chaudhari, Municipal Commissioner, was the guest of honor, and Dr. V.K. Mahadik, Director of Ujjain Medical College, served as the chief guest. Their involvement underscored the importance of this initiative.

Dr. Satish Deopujari emphasized that the first breath a newborn takes is pivotal for reducing neonatal mortality rates. India faces a high maternal mortality rate, a problem that can be significantly mitigated with a focused, localized approach. This urgency led to the creation of the First Breath Conference, initially held in Ujjain due to its high maternal mortality rates, and subsequently in Nagpur.

Addressing NMR requires more than just medical interventions. It involves implementing technology suited to India’s specific needs, empowering healthcare providers with the right resources, and engaging government agencies. The goal has been to unite all these stakeholders on a single platform to collaboratively reduce NMR.

Dr. Satish Deopujari, blessed to inaugurate the center of excellence at Ujjain Medical College, highlighted that it is one of its kind in the country to focus on the FIRST breath. He acknowledged the invaluable contributions of:

  • Dr. V. K. Mahadik, Director of Ujjain Medical College (Simplicity personified)
  • Dr. Jagdish Mandliya
  • Dr. Ashish Pathak
  • Dr. Yash Banait
  • Dr. Rashi Gupta
  • Dr. Sonal and the entire Nelson team

Their collective efforts have been instrumental in the success of this noble cause. Dr. Deopujari expressed gratitude to all who joined in and supported this initiative, emphasizing that reducing neonatal mortality is a shared responsibility that requires collective action.

Innovate with
Dr Satish Deopujari

Dr Satish Deopujari is on a mission to keep on innovating, much like a perpetual innovation machine, which works across boundaries of disciplines, geographies, you name it. He has worked with innumerable causes and people from rural India to the top experts globally. He is hungry for contributing more innovations to humanity and if you're looking to collaborate with him, reach out to him right away!

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